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364 Issuance of a transcript-extract from the cadastral register of the points from the working geodetic basis


Services from the cadastral map and registers

364 Issuance of a transcript-extract from the cadastral register of the points from the working geodetic basis

  • Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (GCCA) provides in electronic form a transcript-extract from the cadastral register of the points from the working geodetic basis, containing type, number, way of stabilization, coordinates and altitude of the points. The data are used when performing geodetic activities - measurement, tracing, etc.
  • Based on:
  • Law on Cadastre and Property Register - Art. 55, para. 1; Art. 55, para. 2
  • Ordinance № PD-02-20-4 of 11.10.2016 on the provision of services from the cadastral map and cadastral registers - Art. 7, para. 1, and Art. 39
  • The service is also provided as an internal administrative:
  • No
  • Administrative service body:
  • CEO
  • Deadline for submission:
  • Up to 1 working day from the submission of the application
  • Validity of the document / individual administrative act:
  • Unlimited
  • Authority exercising control over the activity of the authority for the provision of the service:
  • CEO
  • Body before which an individual administrative act is appealed:
  • Administrative Court
  • Restrictions and conventions:
  1. To request the service you must have a registration in the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS).

To request the service electronically you must have a registration in the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS).

2. Through the Secure Electronic Service System (SЕSS).

  • Email address where the service is provided:
  • Email for inquiries:

Administrative units

Administrative units in which the documents are submitted and information on the progress of the file is received:

Administrative units in which the documents are submitted and information on the progress of the file is received: Information Technologies and Spatial Data Directorate

Address: reg. Sofia (capital), municipality Stolichna, Sofia, Vitosha district, region Sofia (capital), municipality Sofia, Sofia, 1 Musala Str., P.k. 1618

Long - distance dialing code: 02

Contact phone: 8188372

E-mail address: Виж имейла...

Working hours: Standard working hours, from 09:00 to 17:30, without interruption.

Access for people with disabilities is provided in the unit

Requirements, procedures, instructions

Form and manner of requesting the service

The application is submitted:

- through the Cadastral-administrative information system (KAIS);

- through the Secure Electronic Service System (SЕSS);

- on the spot, in the center for administrative service.

Necessary documents


Form and manner of providing the service

The information system generates the requested reference (extract from the cadastral register of the points from the working geodetic basis) and sends a message to the e-mail address specified by the user. The generated report can be downloaded from the client's profile from


Application for inquiries from KKKR for submission through remote access to the administrative information system…


Law on Cadastre and Property Register

Ordinance № PD-02-20-4 of 11.10.2016 on the provision of services from the cadastral map and cadastral registers


There is no charge for the service

According to Art. 39, item 3 of Ordinance № PD-02-20-4 of 11 October 2016 on the provision of services from the cadastral map and cadastral registers, data from the geodetic basis of the cadastral map are provided free of charge through remote access to the administrative information system (KAIS).

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