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1653 Issuance of a combined sketch


Services from the cadastral map and registers

1653 Issuance of a combined sketch

  • Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (GCCA) issues a combined sketch, which reflects combined data from two or more sources: cadastral map, cadastral plans, zoning plans, development plans, geodetic measurements, specialized maps, restricted areas, as well as maps and plans. , approved by the Law on the ownership and use of agricultural lands and the Law on restoration of the ownership over the forests and the lands from the forest fund.
  • Based on:
  • Law on Cadastre and Property Register - Art. 55, para. 2
  • Ordinance № PD-02-20-4 of 11.10.2016 on the provision of services from the cadastral map and cadastral registers - Art. 7, para. 1, item 5, Annex №2, Table 9
  • Decree № 293 of 08.11.2016 amending and supplementing Tariff № 14 for fees collected in the system of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and by the regional governors, adopted by Decree № 175 of the Council of Ministers of 1998 - Art. 47
  • The service is also provided as an internal administrative:
  • No
  • Administrative service body:
  • CEO
  • Deadline for submission:
  • Ordinary service - 7 working days; Fast service - 3 working days
  • Validity of the document / individual administrative act:
  • Indefinitely
  • Authority exercising control over the activity of the authority for the provision of the service:
  • CEO
  • Body before which an individual administrative act is appealed:
  • Administrative court at the location of the property
  • Procedure, including deadlines for appealing against the actions of the body providing the service:
  • Procedure for appeal:

- You file the appeal to the Administrative Court at the location of the property.

Deadline for appeal:

- 14 days from receipt of the notice for issuance of the administrative act.

Restrictions and conventions:

The service is provided electronically:

1. Through the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS).

To request the service electronically you must have a registration in the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS).

There are two ways of electronic application for registered users in KAIS:

- WITHOUT electronic signature, as the final result can be obtained at the counter or by courier service at the expense of the applicant;


- With a qualified electronic signature - if the application is signed with an electronic signature, it is possible that the final result will be obtained in the form of an electronic document in the personal profile.

2. Through the Secure Electronic Service System (SЕSS).

Email address where the service is provided:

E-mail address for inquires:

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Administrative units

Requirements, procedures, instructions

Form and manner of ordering the service

The application is submitted through the web portal for online services - KAIS (registration in the portal is required), through SЕSS or at the counter of the center of administrative office. The application is filled in electronically by an employee - no pre-filled application is required.

Necessary documents

1. Application;

2. Document / data for paid fee.

The application should indicate the combination of data that the applicant wishes to receive.

Form and manner of providing the service

Electronic document in PDF format;

Paper document.

The combined sketch is received by the user of the service in the way selected in the application:

- on the spot, in the office center for administrative service;

- by courier service at the expense of the applicant;

- in the profile of a registered user in KAIS - portal, as an electronic document;

- through SЕSS.


Application for services provided by KKKR


Ordinance № PD-02-20-4 of 11.10.2016 on the provision of services from the cadastral map and cadastral registers


A fixed fee is paid for the service depending on the type:

For a simple service BGN 25

For fast service BGN 50

In case the service is requested and received electronically (requested with a qualified electronic signature), the service fee is reduced by 30%.

The service fee is prepaid. The term for performance of the service starts running after payment of the due state fee.

The service can be paid for in one of the following ways:

At the counter in the administrative unit office with a bank card

Bank transfer


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